This year at Almedalen, Gotland, Sweden, the Swedish Institute held a Baltic region-themed seminars covering topics ranging from security and defence cooperation; how best to cooperate with Russia; and strategies for fostering and harnessing innovation across the Baltics.

And while Almedalen is a wellknown political forum and has become more international in recent years, the theme of Baltic cooperation doesn’t get as much attention as Jacek Paszkowski, SI, would like amONGST the thousands of seminars on offer.

An alternative, he suggests, would be to launch another week – a Baltic Sea Week modelled on Almedalen, but held in English and designed expressly to discuss pressing issues from a Baltic perspective.

“Gotland, out here in the middle of the Baltic Sea, is a natural location to discuss these issues,” he says. “It’s time for a truly Baltic Almedalen.”

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