The strategy is based on open and transparent participation, inclusiveness and multi-level governance. The wide thematic coverage of the policy areas provides opportunities for different kinds of stakeholders to participate and propose various kinds of activities. While the strategy promotes the building-up of longer-term networks and platforms, new stakeholders as well as novel ideas and initiatives are welcome.

Among the established stakeholders are national, regional and local authorities, intergovernmental and non-governmental bodies, universities and research organisations. However, there is a need to increase the involvement of NGOs, civil society, youth organisations and the business community.

The EUSBSR governance structure provides clear roles and responsibilities of the various actors, strengthened management capacity at the strategic level, effective decision-making and reinforced results orientation. All of the actors work interdependently with each other together forming a network of over 250 core stakeholders and an even much wider circle of the cooperation actors.

Among the implementing stakeholders are National Coordinators Group, Policy Area Coordinators and Policy Area Steering Groups, the European Commission, High Level Group and the Baltic Sea Strategy Point - supporting unit to the coordination and governance of the Strategy.

Find out more about each of these groups from the menu on the left.

EUSBSR Governance