EU's post-2020 Smart Specialisation Agenda Challenges and Opportunities for the Baltic Sea Region

  • 19/11/2019 00:00
Venue European Parliament, room PHS 4B, Brussels

The European Commission’s proposals for the next generation of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3)  set out a clear expectation for innovation performance underpinned by interregional investments. The  Baltic Sea Region has benefited from a S3 logic in the current programming period, with significant  regional efforts, across the macro-region and beyond, the macro-region's innovation ecosystems. The  post-2020 S3 proposals offer new momentum to build on this performance, and to strengthen  collaboration efforts to deliver new industry-driven investment. Furthermore, this builds on the Baltic  Sea's ambitions to deliver both inclusive and clean growth. The event seeks to bring together our  political and innovation ecosystem partners to share ideas and to set out a clear pathway for the Baltic Sea's innovation agenda.

Registration is open until 14 November 2019. To register, please visit the following link: EU's post-2020 Smart Specialisation Agenda

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