National Coordinators (NC) of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region represent the member states involved in the Strategy. The NC-group is the overall coordination body for the development, implementation and policy monitoring of the EUSBSR. Also representative from the European Commission is a member of the group. The NC-group may also invite representatives from other organisations, national representative or other to their meetings.

At the NC meeting on June 15th 2017, the group formally adopted the Rules of Procedure (RoP) of the NC-group, which outlines, among others, the tasks and decision-making practices of the group. Also the orders of rotation for the NC-group’s chairmanship and the EUSBSR Annual Fora are determined until 2025.

According to the adopted Rules of Procedure “the non-attributable reports will be made public” on the EUSBSR website. The Rules of Procedure document and the report from the NC-meetings will be found here (Rules of Procedure will be published as soon as final elaborations are approved).

Reporting the work of the NC-group increases the transparency of the coordination of the EUSBSR. Among all Macro-regional Strategies, the EUSBSR is the first one reporting of the decision-making in the coordination body of the Strategy.