The Academy of Public Administration at Södertörn University (Stockholm) together with the Swedish Institute offer a contract education course on Transnational Public Administration (7,5 credits) open to civil servants and civil society actors working with the public sector from the Baltic Sea region.

This advanced level academic course is designed for civil servants and civil society actors from all policy fields working with the public sector in Baltic Sea countries who face the challenges of transnational public administration in their work and wish to understand better the dynamics of both transnational policy processes and their effects upon public organizational procedures.

The course is free of charge for the selected participants. It takes place at Södertörn University in Stockholm, Sweden. It is divided into three intensive 2 day (Thu-Fri) meetings (Feb 20-Feb 21, 2020, May 7–May 8, and Sept 24–Sept 25, 2020).

Read more about the course and selection criteria.


Please submit your application before January 31, 2020.


Download this file (Transnation Public Administration_flyer.pdf)Transnation Public Administration_flyer.pdf 104 kB