How to increase the potential of civil society organisations in influencing policymaking?

"Citizens of macro-regions for a stronger Europe" is a project building on the still unused potential of the macro-regions of Europe. 

Macro-regional strategies created a clear framework for the involvement of civil society organisations (CSOs) in various policy fields. Some of these domains like environmental protection, education and culture allowed civil actors to interfere more in the policy-making process at local and regional level as well.

Macro-regional strategies have been served as an experimental area for learning and participatory processes helping CSOs to shape policy-making at macro-regional and European level. In this sense, the present project "Citizens of macroregions for a stronger Europe" brought innovation for CSOs. During the almost three years of its implementation the project has accumulated unique experiences, namely how to increase the potential of CSOs in a more efficient way of influencing policymaking.

Read more about the project's concluding ideas >>