
IWAMA - Interactive water management

The project aimed at improving resource efficiency in wastewater management in the Baltic Sea region by developing the capacity of wastewater treatment (WWT) operators and implementing pilot investments resulting in reduced nutrient inflows to the Baltic Sea. The actions focused on three main areas in the municipal WWT sector where gaps have been recognized through work in previous EU funded projects PRESTO and PURE: capacity development (CD), sludge management (SM) and energy management (EM).

The innovative solutions and economic potential of municipal wastewater treatment sector are threatened by limited knowledge of existing options. While advanced technology solutions are continuously becoming available, their integration at waste water treatment plants is often challenging and inefficient. The project increased the capacity of WWT operators in choosing cost-effective technologies in nutrient removal, smart sludge and energy management and build structured models to support lifelong learning in WWT sector. The project piloted seven investments focusing on efficiency and optimisation of energy and sludge management. 

Pilot investments as well as many other most recent and replicable good practices, technical solutions and tools can be found in the online portal for water experts Baltic Smart Water Hub. The Hub was launched in the framework of the IWAMA project in order to connect water experts in the region. The online Hub provides most recent good practices, technical solutions and tools on a broad array of water management issues.

Lead: Union of the Baltic Cities, Sustainable Cities Commission c/o City of Turku (FI)
Project period: 2016-2019

Visit the project at their website.