
PATRANSPORT logotype cmyk


Policy Area Transport (PA Transport) promotes sustainable, efficient and eco-friendly transport in the Baltic Sea region. Our aim is to contribute to the implementation of following objectives of the EU Strategy for Baltic Sea Region:

PA Transport stimulates implementation of innovative and high-tech solutions (both technical and digital) in transport sector. We acknowledge the importance of all modes of transport- land, rail, waterborne and aviation, we treat then with equal respect and attention.

PA Transport is committed to improve transport links which are essential for the competitive region. Transport corridors have vital economical and socioeconomical effect as they improve trade and movement of people between different regions or part of urban areas.

We are looking for cooperation possibilities with private companies, training and research institutions, non- governmental organisations and governments of municipalities with the aim to bring them together with aim to promote networking and capacity building in different ways.

PA Transport is coordinated by Estonia (Ministry of Climate, since 01.07.2023) and Lithuania (Transport Innovation Association).



 Ministry of Climate Estonia  Transport innovation association BLACK