STM Validation Final Conference

  • From 13/11/2018 12:00 to 14/11/2018 12:00
Venue IMO Head-quarters - London

Save the date 13-14 November!

The final conference of the STM Validation project takes place at IMO Head-quarters in London 13-14 November lunch to lunch. Take part of the results, watch the demos, and find your inspiration for the maritime future. Put it in your calendar NOW!

Information sharing will change how the entire maritime industry operates. Collaboration platforms with unexpected partners will appear, and so will fresh players. Modern technology will change the playing field and it is essential to adapt current business models. We will share the results of 300 ships, the 13 ports and the 5 shore centres and you will get a chance to test solutions and services in demos. And you will hear about the other ongoing and coming initiatives in the on-going STM voyage to the future.

Secure a seat by e-mailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ! We will treat your personal data according to the EU GDPR-regulation.

STM – the future communication of shipping

This web page will be updated continuously with program, speakers and other details.