Visual Identity

EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region aims to facilitate cooperation and to reduce overlaps in the Baltic Sea Region’s different organisations, networks and institutions. All communication work should contribute to this mission and the main objectives of the Strategy: Save the Sea, Increase Prosperity, and Connect the Region.

Below, you'll find resources to successfully implement this communication mission, starting with Communication Guidelines and the Visual Identity manual, which will guide you in using the rest of the material.

Long-term strategic objectives and tools to plan and target communication activities around the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. It is designed mainly for the use of actors within the Strategy’s governance structure: National Coordinators, Policy Area Coordinators, Steering Group members and the Baltic Sea Strategy Point.

This manual guides the use of our visual identity.
Following the manual enables our visual apperence to remain consistent and recognisable across different communication channels.

Scroll down this page to find the materials mentioned in the document: EUSBSR logos, Policy Area Specific logos, document and presentation templates and supporting graphics to create EUSBSR-branded visuals.

EUSBSR logos

Our logo is the single sign of recognition for the Strategy and it shall be consistently used in all materials.

Logos for each of the 14 Policy Areas. Refer to the visual manual if you are unsure how to use the logo.

PowerPoint presentation template with some ready-made content for help and inspiration.

Templates for documents and agendas. Please note that there are two versions for both templates: one with the EUSBSR logo only and another with the EUSBSR and Interreg Baltic Sea Region logo. In close to all cases, EUSBSR stakeholders are requested to use both logos.

Document templates for each of the 14 Policy Areas.

When using background imagery you can use the supporting graphics to make the logo more visible (see page 13 in the Visual Identity Manual). Note that the graphic should always be placed in a corner.