The EUSBSR Seed Money Facility offers face-to-face consultations and support to potential applicants and project idea owners during a consultation day in Berlin on 4 September, 2013.

The consultation day is not a general information event, but an opportunity for individuals with a specific idea to discuss. If you have a project idea and are interested in feedback and answers to your questions, please request a consultation by sending a project idea form (pdf format) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Friday the 26th of August 2013.

Project applications can be submitted by 30 September 2013. Project applications in the following priority areas are especially wanted: Crime, Hazards, Internal Market, Nutri, Secure or Ship, and the following horizontal actions: Involve, Promo and Spatial Planning. Only projects that present a letter of support from the respective Priority Area Coordinator/Horizontal Action Leader are eligible for funding.

EUSBSR Seed money is EU funding to prepare projects that contribute to one of the priority areas or horizontal actions of the EUSBSR. More information at