The first #EUChatREGIO will take place on 25 September 2014 – 15:00-16:00 CET Time and will focus on the role and added value of macro-regional strategies in Europe.

Using Twitter and other forms of social media for work and professional development presents regional and local professionals and media with interesting opportunities for learning and sharing best practice across regions, cities and public services.

This tweetchat aims to help people concerned share their experiences, ideas, and views on the role, added-value and benefits of macro-regional strategies, both current and future.

Please use the hashtag #EUChatREGIO. The tweeting will be from @EU_Regional and the twitter accounts of the different strategies will join the discussion.

Suggested questions for discussion (please always specify question n°-ie Q1a- in your tweet and if appropriate the strategy concerned #EUSBSR #EUSDR #EUSAIR #EUSALP.

More details on the #EUChatREGIO are avaliable here.